Resultados de War Chamber 2023
Mostrar resultados MLW - War Chamber 2023 (New York City, Estados Unidos - 2023)
AKIRA derrota Lince Dorado (c) y Lio Rush
MLW World Middleweight Championship Match
Three-Way Match
Samoan Swat Team (Juicy Finau (c) & Lance Anoa'i (c)) derrotan The FBI y The Mane Event (Jay Lyon & Midas Black)
Tag Team Match
MLW World Tag Team Championship Match
Three-Way Match
Ken Broadway derrota TJ Crawford
Davey Boy Smith Jr. derrota Calvin Tankman
Delmi Exo derrota Taya Valkyrie (c)
MLW Women's World Featherweight Championship Match
Sam Adonis derrota Willie Mack
Billie Starkz derrota B3CCA
Jacob Fatu derrota John Hennigan (c)
MLW National Openweight Championship Match
Mandy Leon derrota Clara Carreras
Alex Kane derrota Shigehiro Irie
Tracy Williams derrota Tony Deppen
Opera Cup 2023
Microman derrota Beastman
The Calling (Delirious & Rickey Shane Page & Dr. Cornwallus & AKIRA) derrotan The Second Gear Crew (1 Called Manders & Mance Warner & Matthew Justice) & Alex Hammerstone
War Chamber Match