Resultados de December To Remember III
Mostrar resultados Glory Pro - December To Remember III (St. Louis, Estados Unidos - 2023)
Bang And Matthews (August Matthews & Davey Bang) derrotan The New Guys (Jake Bosche & Scott Stanley)
Tag Team Match
Tootie Lynn derrota Maggie Lee
Calvin Tankman derrota ATM
Mason St. Goods derrota Marcus Muncherson
Effy derrota Shazza McKenzie y Dan The Dad y Swoggle
Four-Way Match
Deliverer Moses & Ethan Price derrotan Mike Outlaw (c) & Rahim De La Suede (c) y The Philly Marino Experience (Marino Tenaglia & Philly Collins)
Three-Way Match
Tag Team Match
United Glory Tag Team Championship Match
TLC Match
Xavier Walker derrota GPA
Dak Draper derrota Laynie Luck
Rohit Raju (c) derrota Kody Lane
A1 Zero Gravity Championship Match
Special Guest Referee Match
Jake Something derrota Camaro Jackson (c) y Warhorse
Three-Way Match
Crown Of Glory Championship Match