Resultados de Limelight
edición 23
Mostrar resultados CZW - Limelight #23 (Havre de Grace, Estados Unidos - 2023)
Troy Parker derrota Techno
Myles Hawkins derrota Kris Bishop
Anthony Gangone derrota Nicco Grey
The Lost Boys (Athan Promise & Juni Underwood) derrotan The REP (Dave McCall & Nate Carter)
Tag Team Match
Post Game (Mike Walker & Vinny Talotta) derrotan Miles Penn & Ryan Ryzz
Tag Team Match
NÜ BackSeatz (JP Grayson & Tommy Grayson) derrotan Matt Quay & EN Bush
Tag Team Match
Desean Pratt derrota Peter Avalon
No Contest : Brando Lee VS Griffin McCoy