Resultados de The French Ravie-Lution
Mostrar resultados CPW - The French Ravie-Lution (Govan, Reino Unido - 2025)
Kayden X derrota Richard Holliday
Nick Justice derrota 1 Called Manders
Martin MacAlistair y The Renegade Wrex y Bryan Mojo y Big Strong Man derrota Thorin y CJ West
Six-Way Match
Weakest Link Match
Ravie Davie derrota Aigle Blanc
Cousin Zander (c) & Steg (c) derrotan Mecca & Kuro
Tag Team Match
CPW Tag Team Championship Match
Céline Faery derrota Abbie
Ellie Armstrong (c) derrota Céline Faery
CPW Women's Championship Match
Big Ross Hauser (c) derrota A-Buck
CPW Heavyweight Championship Match