Resultados de New Heights 6
Mostrar resultados APW - New Heights 6 (Telford, Reino Unido - 2024)
Kieran McQueen derrota Jason Joshua
Luke Basham (c) derrota Steven Keane
APW Heavyweight Championship Match
Big Van Wesker (c) derrota Regan
OTC Heavyweight Championship Match
Kenny Temple & Woody Anderson derrotan Steven Keane & Ashley Dunn
Tag Team Match
Kieran Young & Fixer Ste derrotan Johnny GG (c) & TJ Sky (c)
Tag Team Match
APW Tag Team Championship Match
Chloe Nightshade derrota Tommy Gunn
The Judge derrota Mike Wyld y Charles Kelsey y Liam Porter y MJ Grayson y Aiden Potter y Joe Black y Alex Connors
Eight-way Match
Ladder Match
The Judge derrota Luke Basham (c)
APW Heavyweight Championship Match