Rekka - Fights
Matches of Rekka top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other.
Sidney Shota Stevens & Rekka VS Toshiki Iwaki & Katsuo
2023 -
In Parlor Daiei
Tag Team Match
Ami Kanda VS Rekka VS Sidney Shota Stevens VS Shota Nakagawa VS Toshiki Iwaki VS Tomoya VS Katsuo VS Raito Shimizu VS YAKO
2023 -
Ennichi Marche 2023
Battle Royal Match
Ami Kanda VS Katsuo VS YAKO VS Shota Nakagawa VS Raito Shimizu VS Toshiki Iwaki VS Sidney Shota Stevens VS Rekka VS Tomoya Hirata
2023 -
OTARU Night Market ~ The Most Chaotic 3.5 Days In Otaru
Battle Royal Match