Gorilla Position

Jimmy Rave - Kämpfe

Kämpfe von Jimmy Rave am besten bewertet und neu, filtern nach gegnern, auflagen, aktionen oder andere.

Curry Man & Hernandez & Jay Lethal VS Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) & B.G. James & Consequences Creed & Cute Kip & Rock 'n Rave Infection (Jimmy Rave & Lance Rock) & Sonjay Dutt & Shark Boy
TNA - 2008 - Final Resolution 2008 #2 - Feast or Fired Match
Shark Boy VS Super Eric VS Petey Williams VS Alex Shelley VS Chris Sabin VS Jimmy Rave VS Sonjay Dutt VS Jay Lethal VS Curry Man VS Johnny Devine
TNA - 2008 - Bound for Glory IV - Asylum Match
Alex Shelley VS Chris Sabin VS Kaz VS Curry Man VS Jay Lethal VS Jimmy Rave VS Shark Boy VS Sonjay Dutt VS Consequences Creed VS Johnny Devine
TNA - 2008 - Sacrifice 2008 - TerrorDome Match
Six Team Cuffed in the Cage Match
TNA - 2008 - Lockdown 2008 - Steel Cage Match , Tag Team Match
10-Team Gauntlet Match
TNA - 2007 - No Surrender 2007 - Gauntlet Match , Ten-person Tag team Match
Fight for the Right Reverse Battle Royal
TNA - 2007 - Bound for Glory 2007 - Reverse Battle Royale Match
The Embassy (Alex Shelley & Jimmy Rave) VS Claudio Castagnoli & Jimmy Yang
ROH - 2006 - Supercard of Honor - Tag Team Match
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