EN Bush & The Lost Boys ( Athan Promise & Miles Penn ) VS Cosmic & Smileballz ( Sage Chantz & Tommy Rant )
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Limelight #27
The Lost Boys
Athan Promise - EN Bush
The Lost Boys
Miles Penn - Cosmic
- Sage Chantz
- Tommy Rant
Griffin McCoy
Juni Underwood
Vinny Talotta
Mike Walker
Athan Promise
EN Bush
Miles Penn
Sage Chantz
Tommy Rant
Six-Person Tag Team
Oldman Youngboy
Shaun Smith
Jarett Diaz
Chris White
Nigel Carter
Myles Hawkins
Six-Person Tag Team
Ryan Ryzz
Isaiah Wolf
Mookie Summers
Brando Lee
Matt Quay
Randy Summers
Tag Team
Eran Ashe
Desean Pratt
CZW World Heavyweight Championship
Journey Burke
Valerie Verman
Street Fight