The WorkHorsemen ( Anthony Henry (c) & JD Drake (c) ) VS Motor City Machine Guns ( Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin )
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Tag Team Match DPW Worlds Tag Team Championship MatchVictoire Alex Shelley Chris Sabin
4,083 / 5
3 Notizen
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2nd Anniversary
- Anthony Henry
The Wingmen
JD Drake - Alex Shelley
- Chris Sabin
Kevin Ku
Dominic Garrini
LaBron Kozone
Jorel Nelson
Royce Isaacs
Tom Lawlor
Six-Person Tag Team
Nicole Matthews
Bryan Keith
Titus Alexander
Jake Something
Mike Bailey
Tag Team
Andrew Everett
BK Westbrook
No Holds Barred
Oliver Sawyer
Anthony Henry
JD Drake
Alex Shelley
Chris Sabin
Tag Team DPW Worlds Tag Team Championship
Colby Corino
Calvin Tankman
DPW Worlds Championship
Emi Sakura
Miyuki Takase
DPW Women's Worlds Championship
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