Gorilla Position


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Trova gli ultimi incontri di wrestling, ordinati per compagnia (WWE, AEW, NJPW, ecc.), wrestler (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, ecc.), stipula o data o luogo dell'incontro.

Sheik Abdul Bashir (c) VS Eric Young
TNA - 2008 - Final Resolution 2008 #2 - TNA X Division Championship Match
The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) & Sharmell VS ODB & Roxxi & Taylor Wilde
TNA - 2008 - Final Resolution 2008 #2 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Curry Man & Hernandez & Jay Lethal VS Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) & B.G. James & Consequences Creed & Cute Kip & Rock 'n Rave Infection (Jimmy Rave & Lance Rock) & Sonjay Dutt & Shark Boy
TNA - 2008 - Final Resolution 2008 #2 - Feast or Fired Match
Rhino VS Sheik Abdul Bashir VS Alex Shelley
TNA - 2008 - Impact #231 - Turkey Bowl 2008 - Three-Way Match
Christy Hemme VS Raisha Saeed
TNA - 2008 - Impact #231
Jimmy Rave VS Sheik Abdul Bashir VS Matt Morgan
TNA - 2008 - Impact #231 - Turkey Bowl 2008 - Three-Way Match
Alex Shelley VS Cute Kip VS Consequences Creed
TNA - 2008 - Impact #231 - Turkey Bowl 2008 - Three-Way Match
Sonjay Dutt VS Rhino VS Hernandez
TNA - 2008 - Impact #231 - Turkey Bowl 2008 - Three-Way Match
John Cena VS Chris Jericho (c)
WWE - 2008 - Survivor Series 2008 - WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
Triple H (c) VS Edge VS Vladimir Kozlov
WWE - 2008 - Survivor Series 2008 - Triple Threat Match , WWE Championship Match
Big Show VS The Undertaker
WWE - 2008 - Survivor Series 2008 - Casket Match
Team Orton VS Team Batista
WWE - 2008 - Survivor Series 2008 - Survivor Series Match
Team Raw VS Team SmackDown
WWE - 2008 - Survivor Series 2008 - Survivor Series Match
Team JBL VS Team HBK
WWE - 2008 - Survivor Series 2008 - Survivor Series Match
The Brian Kendrick VS Kung Fu Naki
WWE - 2008 - Survivor Series 2008
The Age of the Fall VS Kevin Steen & El Generico
ROH - 2008 - Driven 2008 - ROH World Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
Roderick Strong VS Nigel McGuinness (c)
ROH - 2008 - Driven 2008 - ROH World Championship Match
Josh Daniels VS Rhett Titus
ROH - 2008 - Driven 2008
Daizee Haze VS Madison Eagles
ROH - 2008 - Driven 2008
The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) VS The Vulture Squad VS The YRR
ROH - 2008 - Driven 2008 - Scramble Match , Tag Team Match





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