Gorilla Position

Shows de catch

Retrouvez les derniers shows de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), nom, date, ou lieu de l'événement.




Année 2023
Mois October
Jour 8
B!P - You're So Last Summer
08/10/2023 - Brattleboro, Vermont, États-Unis
CMLL - Domingo Familiar
08/10/2023 - Ciudad de México, Mexique
F1RST - Open Streets Slam
08/10/2023 - Minneapolis, Minnesota, États-Unis
GCW - Fight Club 2023 - Nuit 2
08/10/2023 - Atlantic City, New Jersey, États-Unis
JCW - Pumpkin Spiced
08/10/2023 - Atlantic City, New Jersey, États-Unis
POWER - Homenaje A Dos Grandes Profesores
08/10/2023 - Tláhuac, Ciudad de México, Mexique
REVOLVER - Women's Grand Prix
08/10/2023 - Dayton, Ohio, États-Unis
REVOLVER - Redemption
08/10/2023 - Dayton, Ohio, États-Unis
EVE - EVE 113: SHE-1 '92 SPECIAL - The Final Rounds
08/10/2023 - London, England, Royaume-Uni
EVE - EVE 112: SHE-1 '92 SPECIAL - Opening Round
08/10/2023 - London, England, Royaume-Uni
RevPro - Live In Southampton #26
08/10/2023 - Southampton, England, Royaume-Uni
WSW - Full Throttle - Nuit 3
08/10/2023 - Adelaide, South Australia, Australie
APC - Home Coming 3
08/10/2023 - Nanterre, France
GWF - Chaos City 8
08/10/2023 - Berlin, Allemagne
TPW - Rage #22
08/10/2023 - Marseille, France
2AW - Chibattle #175
08/10/2023 - Chiba, Japon
AJPW - Raising An Army Memorial Series 2023 - Nuit 1
08/10/2023 - Yamanobe, Yamagate, Japon
BJW - Shopping Street Wrestling 2023 Series ~ New Chapter Begins Round 6
08/10/2023 - Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japon
Crazy Union - Daisakusen ~ Afternoon Of The Wolves ~ - 144nd IWA Regular Battle Special
08/10/2023 - Tokyo, Japon
DG - The Gate Of Victory 2023 - Nuit 5
08/10/2023 - Kawagoe, Saitama, Japon
Diana - Kyoko Inoue 35th Anniversary in Korakuen Hall
08/10/2023 - Tokyo, Japon
JTO - J1 League & GIRLS League - Nuit 6
08/10/2023 - Tokyo, Japon
KAGEKI - Azteca Debut 30th Anniversary Special
08/10/2023 - Fukuoka, Japon
Land's End - Land's End
08/10/2023 - Nagoya, Aichi, Japon
Michinoku - 44th Saitama Festival For The Disabled
08/10/2023 - Saitama, Japon
RDPW - Nan Kuru Nai Circuit 2023 - In Shimane Izumo
08/10/2023 - Izumo, Shimane, Japon
Shi-En - Shi-En
08/10/2023 - Osaka, Japon
Stardom - In Tajimi
08/10/2023 - Tajimi, Gifu, Japon
YMZ - Gokigen Kawasaki #49
08/10/2023 - Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japon
08/10/2023 - Yamanashi, Japon





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