Gorilla Position

Trevor Murdoch - Matchs

Voir les combats mis en avant | Fight Of The Night

Retrouvez les derniers combats de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), catcheur (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), stipulation, ou date ou lieu du match.

Talos & Daisy Kill VS Knox And Murdoch (Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch)
NWA - 2023 - NWA USA S8 #1 - HP Cares For Cooper - Tag Team Match
Schaff & Russ Jones VS Knox And Murdoch (Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch)
NWA - 2023 - Powerrr #119 - Tag Team Match
Knox And Murdoch (Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch) VS Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage & Damage)
NWA - 2023 - The Crockett Cup 2023, nuit 2 - Crockett Cup 2023 - Tag Team Match
The Midnight Riders VS Knox And Murdoch (Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch)
NWA - 2023 - The Crockett Cup 2023, nuit 2 - Crockett Cup 2023 - Tag Team Match
Knox And Murdoch (Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch) VS The Mortons (Kerry Morton & Ricky Morton)
NWA - 2023 - The Crockett Cup 2023, nuit 2 - Crockett Cup 2023 - Tag Team Match
Magnum Muscle (Dak Draper & Mims) VS Knox And Murdoch (Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch)
NWA - 2023 - The Crockett Cup 2023, nuit 1 - Crockett Cup 2023
Country Gentlemen (AJ Cazana & Anthony Andrews) VS Knox And Murdoch (Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch)
NWA - 2023 - Powerrr #112 - Tag Team Match
Knox And Murdoch (Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch) VS The Fixers (Jay Bradley & Wrecking Ball Legursky)
NWA - 2023 - Powerrr #107 - Tag Team Match
Talos & Daisy Kill VS Knox And Murdoch (Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch)
NWA - 2023 - 312 - Tag Team Match





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