Gorilla Position

Matchs de catch

Voir les combats mis en avant | Fight Of The Night

Retrouvez les derniers combats de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), catcheur (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), stipulation, ou date ou lieu du match.

Bushwhackers (Butch & Luke) VS Jacques & Pierre
WWF - 1994 - Monday Night Raw #55 - Tag Team Match
Jacques (c) & Pierre (c) VS 1-2-3 Kid & Razor Ramon (Fake)
WWF - 1994 - Monday Night Raw #52 - Tag Team Match , WWF World Tag Team Championship Match
1-2-3 Kid & Marty Jannetty VS Jacques (c) & Pierre (c)
WWF - 1994 - Monday Night Raw #47 - Tag Team Match , WWF World Tag Team Championship Match
Jacques & Pierre VS Bert Centeno & Brian Walsh
WWF - 1993 - Monday Night Raw #42 - Tag Team Match
Samu & Fatu VS Jacques (c) & Pierre (c)
WWF - 1993 - Monday Night Raw #41 - Tag Team Match , WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Jacques (c) & Pierre (c) VS Tatanka & Mr. Perfect
WWF - 1993 - Monday Night Raw #36 - Tag Team Match , WWF World Tag Team Championship Match
WWF Intercontinental Championship Decision Match
WWF - 1993 - Monday Night Raw #34 - Battle Royal Match
The Quebecers VS Barry Horowitz & 1-2-3 Kid
WWF - 1993 - Monday Night Raw #33 - Tag Team Match , WWF World Tag Team Championship Match
The Quebecers VS The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner (c) & Scott Steiner (c))
WWF - 1993 - Monday Night Raw #31 - Tag Team Match , WWF World Tag Team Championship Match , Quebec Province Rules Match





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