Gorilla Position

Matchs de catch

Voir les combats mis en avant | Fight Of The Night

Retrouvez les derniers combats de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), catcheur (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), stipulation, ou date ou lieu du match.

Christian Cage VS Samoa Joe VS Scott Steiner VS Sting
TNA - 2006 - Victory Road 2006 - Road To Victory Match
America's Most Wanted & Kim VS A.J. Styles (c) & Christopher Daniels (c) & Sirelda
TNA - 2006 - Victory Road 2006 - Mixed Match , NWA World Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
The James Gang & Abyss VS Team 3D (Brother Devon & Brother Ray) & Brother Runt
TNA - 2006 - Victory Road 2006 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
The Paparazzi VS Chris Sabin & Jay Lethal
TNA - 2006 - Victory Road 2006 - Tag Team Match
Joey Ryan (c) VS B-Boy
PWG - 2006 - Threemendous - Battledome Match , PWG World Championship Match
The Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) VS Cape Fear (El Generico & Quicksilver)
PWG - 2006 - Threemendous - Tag Team Match
Raven VS Larry Zbyszko
TNA - 2006 - Victory Road 2006 - Hair vs Hair Match
T.J. Perkins VS Roderick Strong
PWG - 2006 - Threemendous
Kazarian VS Senshi (c)
TNA - 2006 - Victory Road 2006 - TNA X Division Championship Match
Latin American Xchange (Homicide & Hernandez) VS Sonjay Dutt & Ron Killings
TNA - 2006 - Victory Road 2006 - Tag Team Match
Arrogance (Chris Bosh & Scott Lost) & Scorpio Sky VS Davey Richards & Human Tornado & Kevin Steen
PWG - 2006 - Threemendous - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Monty Brown VS Rhino
TNA - 2006 - Victory Road 2006
Colt Cabana VS Top Gun Talwar
PWG - 2006 - Threemendous
The Diamonds in the Rough VS The Naturals (Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas)
TNA - 2006 - Victory Road 2006 - Tag Team Match
Nemesis VS Ronin
PWG - 2006 - Threemendous
Excalibur VS Disco Machine
PWG - 2006 - Threemendous
Shark Boy VS Johnny Devine
TNA - 2006 - Victory Road 2006





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