Gorilla Position

Matchs de catch

Voir les combats mis en avant | Fight Of The Night

Retrouvez les derniers combats de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), catcheur (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), stipulation, ou date ou lieu du match.

NFL vs WWE Battle Royal
WWF - 1986 - WrestleMania 2 - Battle Royal Match
Nikolai Volkoff VS Corporal Kirchner
WWF - 1986 - WrestleMania 2
The Fabulous Moolah (c) VS Velvet McIntyre
WWF - 1986 - WrestleMania 2 - WWF Women's Championship Match
Roddy Piper VS Mr. T
WWF - 1986 - WrestleMania 2 - Boxing Match
Jake Roberts VS George Wells
WWF - 1986 - WrestleMania 2
Randy Savage (c) VS George Steele
WWF - 1986 - WrestleMania 2 - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship Match
Paul Orndorff VS The Magnificent Muraco
WWF - 1986 - WrestleMania 2
Ric Flair (c) VS Barry Windham
NWA - 1986 - Battle of The Belts II - NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship Match
The Road Warriors & BJ Mulligan VS Kevin Sullivan & Maha Singh & Purple Haze
NWA - 1986 - Battle of The Belts II - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Wahoo McDaniel VS Bruiser Brody
NWA - 1986 - Battle of The Belts II
Jesse Barr (c) VS Lex Luger
NWA - 1986 - Battle of The Belts II - NWA Southern Heavyweight Championship Match
Denny Brown (c) VS White Ninja
NWA - 1986 - Battle of The Belts II - NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship Match
Kendall Windham (c) VS Prince laukea
NWA - 1986 - Battle of The Belts II - NWA Florida Heavyweight Championship Match
Tyree Pride (c) VS Ron Slinker
NWA - 1986 - Battle of The Belts II - NWA Bahamas Championship Match
Genichiro Tenryu (c) & Jumbo Tsuruta (c) VS Ishin Gundan
AJPW - 1986 - New Year Wars Super Battle 1986 - Night 25 - NWA International Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
Tiger Mask VS The Great Kabuki
AJPW - 1986 - New Year Wars Super Battle 1986 - Night 25
Mil Máscaras (c) VS Kuniaki Kobayashi
AJPW - 1986 - New Year Wars Super Battle 1986 - Night 25 - IWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
US Express VS Masanobu Fuchi & Takashi Ishikawa
AJPW - 1986 - New Year Wars Super Battle 1986 - Night 25 - Tag Team Match
Goro Tsurumi & Rusher Kimura & Ashura Hara VS Giant Baba & Mighty Inoue & Motoshi Okuma
AJPW - 1986 - New Year Wars Super Battle 1986 - Night 25 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Akio Sato & Rocky Hata VS Ishin Gundan
AJPW - 1986 - New Year Wars Super Battle 1986 - Night 25 - Tag Team Match





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