Gorilla Position


Ver las peleas destacadas | Fight Of The Night

Encuentra los últimos combates de lucha libre, ordenados por compañía (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), luchador (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), estipulación, fecha o lugar del combate.

Giant Kimala II & Sabu VS Maunakea Mossman & Yoshinari Ogawa
AJPW - 1996 - Real World Tag League 1996, noche 16 - Tag Team Match
Haruka Eigen & Masanobu Fuchi & Mighty Inoue VS Giant Baba & Mitsuo Momota & Rusher Kimura
AJPW - 1996 - Real World Tag League 1996, noche 16 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Satoru Asako & Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS Kentaro Shiga & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi
AJPW - 1996 - Real World Tag League 1996, noche 16 - Tag Team Match
60 Man World War 3
WCW - 1996 - World War 3 1996 - World War 3 Match
Faces of Fear VS Outsiders (Scott Hall (c) & Kevin Nash (c)) VS The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags)
WCW - 1996 - World War 3 1996 - WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match , Three-Way Match
Col. Robert Parker VS Sister Sherri
WCW - 1996 - World War 3 1996
The Amazing French-Canadians VS Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray)
WCW - 1996 - World War 3 1996 - Tag Team Match
Jeff Jarrett VS The Giant
WCW - 1996 - World War 3 1996
Nick Patrick VS Chris Jericho
WCW - 1996 - World War 3 1996
Ultimate Dragon (c) VS Rey Misterio Jr.
WCW - 1996 - World War 3 1996 - J-Crown Match
La Parka VS Villano IV
WCW - 1996 - World War 3 1996
Shawn Michaels (c) VS Sycho Sid
WWF - 1996 - Survivor Series 1996 - WWF Championship Match
Diesel & Faarooq & Razor Ramon & Vader VS Flash Funk & Jimmy Snuka & Savio Vega & Yokozuna
WWF - 1996 - Survivor Series 1996 - Survivor Series Match
Bret Hart VS "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
WWF - 1996 - Survivor Series 1996
Jake Roberts & Marc Mero & Rocky Maivia & The Stalker VS Crush & Goldust & Jerry Lawler & Hunter Hearst Helmsley
WWF - 1996 - Survivor Series 1996 - Survivor Series Match
Mankind VS The Undertaker
WWF - 1996 - Survivor Series 1996
The British Bulldog & Leif Cassidy & Marty Jannetty & Owen Hart VS Doug Furnas & The Godwins (Henry O. Godwin & Phineas I. Godwinn) & Phil Lafon
WWF - 1996 - Survivor Series 1996 - Survivor Series Match
Aldo Montoya & Bart Gunn & Bob Holly & Jesse James VS Billy Gunn & Salvatore Sincere & Justin Bradshaw & The Sultan
WWF - 1996 - Survivor Series 1996 - Survivor Series Match
Hollywood Hogan (c) VS Randy Savage
WCW - 1996 - Halloween Havoc 1996 - WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Harlem Heat (Booker T (c) & Stevie Ray (c)) VS Outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall)
WCW - 1996 - Halloween Havoc 1996 - Tag Team Match , WCW World Tag Team Championship Match





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