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Big Van Vader - Kämpfe

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Sting VS The Guardian Angel VS Vader
WCW - 1994 - Fall Brawl '94: War Games - Elimination Match , Triangle Match
Sting VS Vader
WCW - 1994 - Slamboree 1994 - WCW International World Heavyweight Championship Match
BattleBowl Battle Royal
WCW - 1993 - BattleBowl - Battlebowl Match
Sid Vicious & Vader & Harlem Heat (Kole & Kane) VS Sting & Davey Boy Smith & Dustin Rhodes & The Shockmaster
WCW - 1993 - Fall Brawl '93: War Games - War Games Match
The Masters of the Powerbomb VS Sting & Davey Boy Smith
WCW - 1993 - Beach Blast 1993 - Tag Team Match
Big Van Vader VS Sting
WCW - 1993 - SuperBrawl III - White Castle of Fear Strap Match
BattleBowl II
WCW - 1992 - Starrcade '92: Battlebowl – The Lethal Lottery II - Battlebowl Match
Big Van Vader VS Sting
WCW - 1992 - Starrcade '92: Battlebowl – The Lethal Lottery II
Sting (c) VS Big Van Vader
WCW - 1992 - The Great American Bash 1992 - WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
BattleBowl Battle Royale
WCW - 1991 - Starrcade '91: Battlebowl - The Lethal Lottery - Battlebowl Match
Sting & El Gigante & The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) VS Abdullah the Butcher & Cactus Jack & Big Van Vader & The Diamond Studd
WCW - 1991 - Halloween Havoc 1991 - Chamber of Horrors Match
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